
Visual basic Editor

How to use Visual basic Editor for Create Macros (codes) in MS Excel VBA

1. How to Open Visual Basic Editor

In this blog we will learn about visual basic editor, So first we click on developer tab in MS Excel Ribbon. Here we find a sub tab ( Visual Basic). Now we click on Visual Basic tab for access visual basic editor.

2. Insert Module:

Now we find a Insert tab in Visual Basic editor. Here we click on Insert tab and got a list. After that we click on module tab. Refer below 2nd Image we got inserted module for write VBA code.

3. Can we write code in This Workbook and Sheet1 Objects

Yes we can write VBA code in This workbook and sheet 1 and sheet 2 etc also. We do write codes in Sheets when we want get execute our code on some events like (with Open file, close file, etc). Normally we write codes in modules.

4. Properties Window

Using properties window we can change Name of inserted module . We changed name (computation) of inserted module. See in project explorer New assigned Name has been changed.

5. Run , Break and Reset Button in Visual basic Editor 

We use Run button for execute the VBA Macro (code) for perform task and see results. Break button (Ctrl + Break) we use to break VBA Code in between while it is running. Reset Button we use to get exit from running mode if code gave error and stopped in between or we got entered wrongly in interpretation mode.


See below image when code is in Interpretation mode.

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  1. Thank you for Visual Basic Editor to create macros (codes) in MS Excel VBA. We found this tutorial helpful and has provided solid foundation in VBA programming.

    By mastering the Visual Basic Editor, We can automate tasks, improve data analysis, and significantly boost your productivity in Excel.

    Thank you

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  2. Thank you for exploring our guide on how to use the Visual Basic Editor to create macros (codes) in MS Excel VBA. We hope you found this tutorial insightful and that it has enhanced your understanding of VBA programming.

    By mastering the Visual Basic Editor, you can now efficiently automate tasks, streamline data management, and elevate your Excel capabilities. If you have any questions or need further guidance, we are here to help.

    For more comprehensive VBA tutorials, coding tips, and resources, visit our website at Learn VBA for Beginners. We regularly update our content to support your journey in becoming proficient in VBA and Excel automation.

    Thank you once again for your interest, and happy coding!

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