
What is hierarchy of Objects in Excel VBA and Shape Object?

What is hierarchy of Objects in Excel VBA  and Shape Object?

In this blog we will learn hierarchy of  VBA Objects and will discuss about Shape Object. Let's see in below image example of Shape Object. Shape Object use to create shapes in Excel as per our requirements. Here we are taking example of a rectangle shape.  



Sub ShapeObjectinVBA()

With Worksheets(1).Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, _
150, 70, 70, 80)
.Name = " ShapeObjectinVBA"

End With

End Sub

Sub SelectShapesinActiveExcelSheet()


End Sub

Output : Refer first image to see created rectangle its created after Run the first code. Also take look on created rectangle in first image for second code out put when we run the selector code it select the created image automatically.

Excel VBA Hierarchy model (Nested use of Objects)

Here we are taking a example to understand the hierarchical use of VBA Objects . Let's assume we need to select a Range("D4") in a Sheet1 of  Workbook (Book1) .


Sub HierachicalUseofVBAObjects()


End Sub


After Run Above code we got selected D4 Range in Sheet1 of  Book1 Workbook. Let's fill the Range D4 with 100 Number using a VBA code. Take a look on below image.

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